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Custom File Naming for your Creatives

Power your efficiency by setting up custom naming rules that allows you to name file as per attributes, at scale, in no time.

Table of Content:


What is File Naming Scheme:

A standard naming scheme that all your creatives will be named once you Export them out of Rocketium for you usage purpose


Why is is needed:

  • Save time from MANUALLY renaming the 1000 of creatives you produce from Rocketium
  • Make sure your creatives are named as descriptively as possible for Analytics or 3rd party usage
  • Decide which values goes inside your creatives naming when using Import Spreadsheet itself
  • Tailor the nomenclature inline with platform's, your brand's or any 3rd party Analysis tool's rulebook (eg: making it ETL compliant)
  • Avoid duplication of names (no more xyz, xyz_(1), xyz_(1)(2) etc.


How to use:

  1. Inside Editor, now there is a separate section of File Naming
  2. By default, this section has 3 options available (2 selected)
    1. Variant Name
    2. Size
    3. Size Name (Custom)
  3. You can add further details by using the Import Spreadsheet functionality
    1. Make sure the custom naming tags that you want are mentioned against each Variant
    2. Each Variant will have a unique field value, which will get applied to every size, thereby making the Creative names unique
    3. The fields needed for custom naming should be over and above the ones used for designing (see Import Spreadsheet KB for more details on how to use Import Spreadsheet)
    4. The additional fields can be cross verified during importing the spreadsheet
    5. The same will reflect inside the  File Naming section. You can see that the header of the field will be common across all creatives, but the values for each field will depend on whatever details were added in the Import Spreadsheet against that specific Variant.

      Note: You can define generic naming at Variant level and append Size or Size Label to get creative-level unique names

  4. Once the details are reflecting in  File Naming section, you can:
    1. Add - every field in the Imported Spreadsheet that was not used in designing elements (layers/content) can be selected
    2. Reorder - once added, naming tags can be rearranged as per your requirement by dragging and dropping
    3. Separator - the fields can have 1 separator defined, which will be used to join the multiple fields being used for naming
    4. Preview - the filename preview can be seen on top of each creative as well as in the File Naming Panel
    5. Restrictions - Based on ETL rules:
      1. allowed max filename length - 100 characters. Any longer name is truncated (can be checked in preview)
      2. disallowed characters - <space>  / \  ?  % * : | " < > .
      3. Any of this characters detected in the field name will be automatically replaced with the <underscore> _ character (most accepted special character) 
      4. In case any/all of these restriction(s) are applicable, you'll be shown appropriate indication in the  File Naming section




  • How do I handle naming for older projects (created before release of this feature)? Right now it seems non-interactive
    • Answer: Simply export CSV and re-import the same one (with no changes) and select "Update" option while importing. The feature shall get enabled for you
  • Can I define naming schema for 1 project and use it for all future project(s) in my Workspace?
    • Answer: At the moment, no. You can use the same structure from last Project's import spreadsheet and use it for the next ones. Please let us (or your AM) know if you'd want to "save schema for all projects within Workspace". We'll get in touch with you.
  • Why are some characters disallowed?
    • Answer: The direct impact of creative naming comes when the creative is uploaded on platforms and then used in Analytics. There are some industrially unacceptable/discouraged special characters in Analytics for creative names. Hence we support an ETL compliant nomenclature for most accurate Analytics with out of the box-ready names.