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  3. Setting up your media library

Add Files & Folders


Uploading Files

You can upload media files from your device. Follow the following steps to know-how;

  1. Open the Media Library, click Add

    FireShot Capture 306 - Rocketium - rocketium.com
  2. Select "files" to upload.
    FireShot Capture 307 - Rocketium - rocketium.com
  3. A new window will appear where you can remove the file's background. Select the checkbox to remove the background if desired.
    FireShot Capture 308 - Rocketium - rocketium.com
  4. To upload your file, click the "Choose file" button. That's it! You have successfully uploaded a media file from your device.
    FireShot Capture 309 - Rocketium - rocketium.com

Tip: When you upload one file at a time, Rocketium does not ask you to give a tag to your file. But if you upload multiple files at a time, a screen will pop up to add tags to each of your files (You may skip this part, but we recommend adding tags to your files. Why? Click here to know about tags).

Creating Folders

You may have uploaded many of your files to Rocketium's Media Library.  Now it's time to organize them, and that's where Folders become helpful.

To create a folder, follow these steps;

  1. Click on '+' near the Add Button in Media Library
    FireShot Capture 306 - Rocketium - rocketium.com
  2. Click on Add Folder. 
    FireShot Capture 310 - Rocketium - rocketium.com
  3. Now that you have a folder. To rename, hover over the existing name and give it a relevant name. 
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    FireShot Capture 311 - Rocketium - rocketium.com
  4. The interface inside a folder is identical to that inside the Files.
    FireShot Capture 314 - Rocketium - rocketium.com
  5. You can upload the specific media file directly into the folder. Click on Add File to do so.
    FireShot Capture 315 - Rocketium - rocketium.com
  6. Or you can move the location of media files from Files to Folders. The following section talks about that.

Moving media files from Files to Folders

Moving files among folders is quick and easy. Follow these steps;

  1. From the sub-tab Files, select the media files to change their location. (You can also do a multiple select - Click, Select All)
    FireShot Capture 316 - Rocketium - rocketium.com
  2. Now, click on the Move Media icon (highlighted red) at the top right. (Since all the selected files are shapes, we will be moving them to the shapes folder)
    FireShot Capture 317 - Rocketium - rocketium.com
  3. Select the folder that you wish to transfer the files to.

    FireShot Capture 319 - Rocketium - rocketium.com 
  4. Then click Move.
    FireShot Capture 320 - Rocketium - rocketium.com